Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Legacy was provided........

So, what is your legacy? In some cultures it is a big deal leaving some type of legacy. Having a son  is very important to keep the family name going. In that department Michael Hogan has no problem leaving his legacy. On March 18th, my 6th son will be born. So, counting the girls, I officially have enough kids for a baseball team. I am always asked, why so many kids? The answer is simple, collecting stamps was too boring. Just kidding.

However, is that really the legacy I want to be known for when I leave this earth?  What do I want to be known for? It's really simple. I don't!!!!! I believe there is one legacy that should be remembered and if your reading this, than you know who I am talking about. 

For many years, I was trouble. Heck, I was the poster child for trouble. My brothers and I would get into so much trouble. I think we still have the record for being kicked out of the most bars in one night where I am from. My son's loved to hear about the fights and the trouble we caused. They loved hearing about times we got into trouble and I enjoyed telling them all about these nights.  I guess, I was also the poster for not being the best role model. Then, 10 years ago I heared the truth about a man and his legacy. I was amazed on the way he took an opposite look at life and instead of fighting, lies, and hate to get through life,  He used words such as kindness, hope, and love. The funny thing about all of this was He was more feared than anyone on earth. His ways where unheard of.  He was also loved by so many people. Not just then, but so many years later He is still loved. 

There are so many things about Christ that is included in his legacy. I believe the wonders that he has left for all of us are truly remarkable. Think about the Bible. It's not made for just one group. You don't have to go to a special college to understand what it says, and it's not made like a Doctor Seuss book. Could you imagine if you were reading in the bible, "Adam and Eve ate the fruit and now you see God gave them the boot." or Jesus was on the cross when he died, so don't forget that when you tell your mom you lied ." What good would that do? The Bible is made for everyone.  It is the legacy of Jesus. I am amazed on how this one book covers every topic in life. What other book does this? I have read a lot of the Koran, and the Book of Mormon, and they have nothing on the Bible. The Koran does provide a Legacy of a false prophet, but has nothing on the way of life we are to live. 

So, why would I write all this on a blog about serving the homeless? In the five years of serving, my family has seen everything. I have seen so many Moms and Dads have no clue where there children ended up because they have ended up on the streets. I have seen a guy that was grown up with a silver spoon, Dad played college ball and treat his son horrible and yet he is out preaching the Bible. Then I myself have had two lives, one where I tried to teach my boys the best way to respect is by fear and now I have a do over and I get to teach my sons the best way to live this life is by what Jesus has taught us. I get to attempt to prove my new self to my other son's, and pray they see that being judged by Jesus at the end of our life is so much better than seeing a magistrate judge every other month.

So, what's next in my little legacy? Well, to tell you the truth a lot. We have had the pleasure of teaching another group to go and serve the LOS way, and they are doing a great job. So, we will continue to teach others to serve our friends on the streets, the way Christ directed us to. Then we have plans on a new building for our friends on the streets to come and get cleaned up physically and spiritually. Then we have a wonderful event coming up for the homeless. We are so fortunate to have a major event in April. It is one that I believe that the Holy Spirit has directed and Christ will show something truly amazing for our campers.

We had the pleasure of celebrating 3 years of serving as Light of Salvation. Our Lord Jesus has put amazing wonderful people into our lives. I have become the student and seen our leaders really shine. Ward and Lisa have taught me a lot. They have been inspiring. And the youth groups joining us are fantastic.  We have so many new faces that have joined us and have such a heart for Christ it's remarkable. I have really seen Christ in action, and I know that he will continue to shine. The best part about this is,  it's not just one church, but it's the action of many churches, but under the authority of one Lord.

Now, one of the greatest personal blessing came last week. A relative of mine called, and he knew that our family is very involved in our ministry. Rob asked me to give him a call. We talked for some time. It was like Jesus was putting a charge on my battery like never before. It is one thing to have friends talk about the ministry, but to have a member of your family call and talk about the way Christ is working is huge. Rob and his family have only been in my life for a short time. My Aunt found me on Facebook, and my family joined all of them in Michigan (yes I said the M word) for Thanksgiving and I was amazed by the love the family had for one another. This is something, I did not grow up with. The funny thing is Rob was so very quite. Then his daughter amazed me, but I cannot talk about this, it would blow something coming up. But I saw how my Aunt and her wonderful husband raised her daughters. Now their legacy continues to grow and their wives and husbands have shown an amazing love to their families. It amazes me how the legacy has such a domino effect. I am proud to say I am part of that family.

 I am also proud to say that I am the husband and father of this family. I am thankful to listen to Christ and start a legacy with my wife, as a Christian family serving the homeless.

God Bless,

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